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Chitral Gol National Park

Posted in : Discover, National Parks / Zoo, KPK, Chitral

(added few years ago!)

Chitral National Park is located in Gol valley and Kafir Kalash land of Chitral District in Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa province. It starts after two hour drive from Chitral city. 

The park is rich in trees particularly Cedar trees and holds the largest population of Astor Markhor endangered wild goat specie) in the world.
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(added few years ago!) / 2348 views

Zarghoon range hiking trails

Posted in : Balochistan, Quetta

(added few years ago!)

Zarghoon mountain range lies in the North East of the capital city of Balochistan province, Quetta.  The highest peak in the Zarghoon range is Loy Saar Naikan at 3,758 meters which also makes it the highest peak of Balochistan as well. 

Zarghoon range offers plenty of attractions for outdoor enthusiasts and adventure seekers. Depending on the preference one can find trails suitable enough for short weekend hike as well as serious treks which could be extended to days. The terrain and landscape has also remarkable variation ranging from rocky arid to relatively greener Juniper forest. These trails can be accessed from various places but the preferred route is through Urak valley, which itself is a popular destination among visitors. Some local contact or guide is recommended before attempting any of the trails as these are not well maintained trails and usually used by local herdsmen.    

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(added few years ago!) / 4296 views

Zizri Valley, Ziarat

Posted in : Balochistan, Quetta, Ziarat

(added few years ago!)

Zizri  (30.319553, 67.712849) is one of the most beautiful valleys of Ziarat. It is located in the south of Ziarat town at a distance of about 12 kms.  Very large and some of the oldest Juniper trees grow in this area which make it unique and distinctive.  

The drive from prospect point is quite picturesque and the road passes through a thick Juniper forest with occasional glimpses of the valleys down below. The valley lies in the base of Khalifat mountain which is the highest peak in the area. The valley provides quiet and picturesque escape for nature lovers with high rocky walls dotted with Junipers surrounding the small clearing at the valley floor. Camping is recommended to enjoy the nature at its best but huts constructed by Ziarat Valley Development Authority are there to take refuge if the weather gets too unbearable. The best time to visit tis valley is between May to September  when the temperature is in comfortable ranges. 


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(added few years ago!) / 5680 views

Mana Valley, Ziarat

Posted in : Balochistan, Quetta, Ziarat

(added few years ago!)

Mana is a small valley and village located 115 kms away from Quetta on Ziarat road and some 38 kms away from Ziarat town. This picturesque valley is mostly famous for apple orchards which give it a unique beautiful look in summer months. In fact the name Mana is actually a Pashtu word Manra which means apple. 



Apart from apple orchards, the scenic drive and a dam constructed by provincial irrigation department in the upper part of the valley are some of the attractions which make it popular destination among tourists as well as local visitors. Dam site provides some very good locations for picnics and camping activities.

The valley is easily accessible in a public as well as private transport as the road leading to it is paved and in good condition. Accommodation is not available but a rest house owned by irrigation department on dam site can be booked in advance from Quetta.    

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(added few years ago!) / 5156 views

Mohatta Palace, Karachi

Posted in : Sindh, Karachi, Lakes, Museums / Monuments / Others

(added few years ago!)

In late 1920, Shivratan Chandraratan Mohatta, an ambitious self-made businessman from Marwar India built Mohatta Palace as his summer home in Karachi.

The Palace is built with pink Jodhpur stone in combination with the local yellow stone from Gizri. 
It has nine domes, the blue color windows in the front portion open into the garden while the rear windows are of stained glass. The palace has large stately rooms designed for entertainment on the ground floor and more private facilities on the first floor, where there is a terrace provided with a shade from intense sunlight. The palace is solely made up of teak wood with a polished staircase, long corridors and doors opening within doors. 
The terrace of the Palace has a beautiful family temple which was dedicated to Hindu lord Shiva.
Shivratan Chandraratan Mohatta lived in the palace for two decades and after independence in 1947 abandoned it and migrated to India.
The Government of Pakistan acquired the building and used it as a office, later Mohtarma Fatimah Jinnah used the palace as her residence. 
In 1995, it was converted into a Museum devoted to the arts of Pakistan. 
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(added few years ago!) / 3158 views

Indus Delta

Posted in : Sindh, Thatta, Lakes, Museums / Monuments / Others

(added few years ago!)

Indus Delta is a unique example of a natural wetland in the Arabian coastal bio-geographic region.

It is the fifth largest delta in the world, formed under largely arid climatic conditions and characterized by high river discharge, moderate tides and evidently the highest wave energy of any river in the world. 
The fan shaped delta consists of creeks, estuaries, mud flats, sand flats, mangrove swamps, marshes, bays and rocky shores.
The Indus delta comprises 97 % of the total mangrove area in the country and is said to be the 7th largest mangrove forest in the world.
It is a favorite place of over 60,000 migratory birds and is also breeding ground of fish and shrimps during their early life stage.
The water is generally blackish and saline.
Since 1972, Keti Bunder, Shah Bunder and Cut Manarki Chach in the Indus Delta have been declared Wildlife Sanctuaries.
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(added few years ago!) / 2652 views

Indus Dolphin Reserve

Posted in : Sindh, Sukkur, Lakes, Museums / Monuments / Others

(added few years ago!)

Indus Dolphin is endangered specie listed in IUCN (International Conservation Union) Red List.

Its reserve stretches a distance of 170 km, from the Sukkur Barrage upstream to the Guddu Barrage near Kashmore.
This particular stretch of river indus is very important for the survival of more than 500 remaining individuals of the Indus Dolphin.
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(added few years ago!) / 2504 views

Drigh Lake, Larkana

Posted in : Sindh, Larkana, Lakes

(added few years ago!)

Drigh Lake is located 18 km west of Larkana at location 27° 34 N, 068°06’E.

It is a small, slightly brackish lake, with extensive marshes. The lake surface area is 164 hectare. 
Drigh Lake is a wildlife sanctuary. It is home of over 20,000 water birds, mostly ducks, geese and coot in winter. The lake provides breeding and wintering area for a wide variety of water birds and an important roosting site for night-heron. The wintering birds also include shorebirds, cormorants, pelicans, flamingos, jacanas, gulls and terns. 
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(added few years ago!) / 7281 views

Hamal Lake, Larkana

Posted in : Sindh, Larkana, Lakes

(added few years ago!)

Hamal Lake is a fresh water lake located in Qamber Shahdadkot District of Sindh province.

Its main source of water is from water streams of kirthar Hills.
The lake area is 1200 hectare. It is home to migratory birds & a way of living for fisherman. 

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(added few years ago!) / 5017 views

Chitral Festival

Posted in : Festivals, KPK, Chitral

(added few years ago!)

Jashan-e-Chitral is celebrated every year from 15th to 22th September in Chitral Valley.

It is a cultural festival of Hindukush & Karakorum region communities,
The major events take place are traditional dancing & singing, archery contest, river swimming, rock climbing, rafting, wild mountain polo, horse race, buz kashi, traditional wrestling, tug of war, shot put.
There is also on display traditional handicrafts which are also being sold. Local cuisines are served in the hotels & wayside restaurants.
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(added few years ago!) / 2165 views