In late 1920, Shivratan Chandraratan Mohatta, an ambitious self-made businessman from Marwar India built Mohatta Palace as his summer home in Karachi.
The Palace is built with pink Jodhpur stone in combination with the local yellow stone from Gizri.
It has nine domes, the blue color windows in the front portion open into the garden while the rear windows are of stained glass. The palace has large stately rooms designed for entertainment on the ground floor and more private facilities on the first floor, where there is a terrace provided with a shade from intense sunlight. The palace is solely made up of teak wood with a polished staircase, long corridors and doors opening within doors.
The terrace of the Palace has a beautiful family temple which was dedicated to Hindu lord Shiva.
Shivratan Chandraratan Mohatta lived in the palace for two decades and after independence in 1947 abandoned it and migrated to India.
The Government of Pakistan acquired the building and used it as a office, later Mohtarma Fatimah Jinnah used the palace as her residence.
In 1995, it was converted into a Museum devoted to the arts of Pakistan.