Pai Forest. Sakarnd-Nawabshah

Posted in : National Parks / Zoo/ Forest, Sindh, Nawabshah

(added few years ago!)

Pai forest is spread over some 4777 acres and surrounded by cultivated fields. 

It was once a natural riverine forest and a game reserve but after cut off of its water source due to the construction of a flood protection embankment on River Indus now it is watered by Rahib Shah Minor Canal, an offshoot of the Rohri Canal.

Tree species, such as the babul, kikar and kandi common to Sind’s riverine forests flourish here. Shisham and eucalyptus have done well too.

The forest is also home to many animals including the endangered hog deer. Once found extensively in these parts but now its population has depleted to a little more than a dozen.

It is a life support system for nearby villages situated on its periphery. Their main source of livelihood is agriculture, forestry and fisheries. As such they are dependent upon the natural products of the forest to meet their daily requirement of food, fuel wood and earnings.

The forest ecosystem is in serious danger due to a chronic water shortage, deforestation by the lumber mafia, encroachments and hunting by local influential. Also the local villagers add to the problem of deforestation by cutting forest wood for fuel-wood, grazing cattle which destroy ground cover and newly planted saplings.

Still, the place is worth to visit, being easily accessible via National Highway N5 near Skarand City Bypass.

The best season is from November to March every year.

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Tags : Pai, forest, skarand, nawabshah district

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