Forums > Feedback & Suggestions. > Forum Software Improvement Suggestions

Age: 124 Male
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New York, United States

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Subject : Forum Software Improvement Suggestions
Clicking on a post in recent topics to should take to the last unread post by default rather than the first post in the thread, specially considering that thread will grow only longer with time.

HB like this.

Posted on June, 22 2012 03:43:30 AM


Age: 67 Male
4592 days old here
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Karachi, Pakistan

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VCheng said:

Clicking on a post in recent topics to should take to the last unread post by default rather than the first post in the thread, specially considering that thread will grow only longer with time.

Yes, there are few issues... like if you click on Report abuse email, it takes you to 1st page not the reply that was reported.

While writing a reply, if i take more then 1 minute, and click on Submit... the page dies. I have to copy the text and submit, if the page dies , reply and paste again.
and few more errors... Jag will fix in a day or 2

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Posted on June, 22 2012 04:17:12 AM


Age: 124 Male
4418 days old here
Total Posts: 712

New York, United States

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I am sure that the forum software will steadily improve.

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Posted on June, 22 2012 04:47:44 AM


Age: 67 Male
4592 days old here
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Karachi, Pakistan

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Will take time but will sure do

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Posted on June, 22 2012 04:50:25 AM


Age: 43 Male
4592 days old here
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Karachi, Pakistan

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HB said:

Will take time but will sure do

i should say here, will take a lot of time

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Posted on June, 22 2012 11:12:04 AM


Age: 67 Male
4592 days old here
Total Posts: 451

Karachi, Pakistan

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Jag said:

HB said:

Will take time but will sure do

i should say here, will take a lot of time

At least "Report Abuse" should be fixed... On Pak101 i got a report, when i checked, the topic was 4 pages long... I left it

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Posted on June, 22 2012 12:26:19 PM


Age: 43 Male
4592 days old here
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Karachi, Pakistan

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okie.. that can be managed

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Posted on June, 22 2012 01:10:47 PM


Age: 67 Male
4592 days old here
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Karachi, Pakistan

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Jag said:

okie.. that can be managed


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Posted on June, 22 2012 01:21:46 PM


Age: 60 Male
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Karachi, Pakistan

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we as a team will achieve a lot

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Posted on June, 22 2012 03:27:10 PM


Age: 67 Male
4592 days old here
Total Posts: 451

Karachi, Pakistan

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AqeelBaig said:

we as a team will achieve a lot


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Posted on June, 22 2012 03:41:07 PM


Age: 60 Male
4592 days old here
Total Posts: 3576

Karachi, Pakistan

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Got this E-mail when I changed Topic Title
The Title of the topic was changed to give better explanation of the post content or there might be spelling correction only.
Regards, Team

P.S. this is auto generated reply.

it is from Team

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Posted on June, 22 2012 10:51:33 PM

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